
Fairy of dreams, daydreams, and emotions


Fairy of beauty, aesthetics and crafts


Fairy of games, communication and friendship


Fairy of knowledge
and useful information


Fairy of harmony,
order and timing


Hi, I'm Dreammy, the fairy of dreams. Most of all I like to listen to music, make fun of my friends, and play with the dreamgraph, a device that creates dreams. I'm really into ancient stuff and legends. Also I'm interested in the night world and moon magic!


Hi, I'm Esthy, the fairy of beauty. What I like most of all is reading glamor magazines, following fashion trends, and listening to FayNet news. And of course I do love to party and dance! My point is that everything should be beautiful and fairytastic!


Hi, I'm Fanty, the fairy of friendship. I like candies, games and parties most of all! And I just love to help! I can talk to things and even make them live! What matters to me most is that everyone is a friend and no one fights!


Hi, I'm Letty, the fairy of knowledge. Most of all I'd like to know everything and make a great scientific discovery. I love doing science experiments, and thanks to my X-ray sight I can see through everything. And of course I can fix anything!


Hi, I'm Tertia – the fairy of time, and a crown princess. Most of all I like accuracy and neatness. But don't underestimate me! I'm a powerful fairy – I can freeze time or turn it backwards!

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